Wednesday, April 10, 2013

High intensity interval training (HIIT)

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise strategy that depends on giving maximum effort for a short period of time and recover with less-intense periods.

A usual HIIT workout is 4 to 20 minutes long. Exercises are usually sprinting or different bodyweight exercises.


Workout #1
8 rounds of 30 seconds sprint and 15 second rest

Workout #2
Three rounds of:
        50 seconds hanging leg raises + 10 seconds rest
        50 seconds jump rope + 10 seconds rest
        50 seconds diamond push ups + 10 seconds rest
        50 seconds plank + 10 seconds rest
   That's total of 12 minutes

Tabata regime:

Tabata regime is one famous form of HIIT. It's 4 minutes long of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of high intensity training and 10 seconds rest. It's usually done with one exercise (body squats, push ups, mountain climbers ... etc,.) but it can also be done with different exercises.


HIIT has medical benefits which I can't talk about because I don't understand them but what I can tell you that it boosts your metabolism for more than 24 hours following your session and continue burning calories after you finish it in comparison with regual steady state cardio session which burn calories only during the session.

You can youtube HIIT, also visit and for HIIT workouts and ideas.

Thank you.


  1. I had great results with hiit before.. And I really also like the website u shared before but I think older workouts from 2009 and 2010are more intresting the later ones..
    Congratulations for the blog.. Ao glad u decided ti create it
