Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On a scale form "1" to "Rich Froning", How fit are you?

If you are into crossfit then you must know him, if you are into fitness in general then you probably know him.
 It’s the world’s fittest man on earth and crossfit champion three years in a row, Rich Froning.


Trying to lose weight, look up to him. Skinny and trying to gain weight and muscles, look up to him.
Regarding the conventional debate about crossfit, either you like crossfit as a sport or you don't, no doubt that crossfit athletes are some real fit people, and who is the fittest of them? It’s Rich Froning.
How fit is Rich Froning?

Let’s see,

According to , Rich Froning's best scores are:





135# Thrusters

Pull UPs

Time 2:13


30 reps of 135# Clean and Jerk

Time 1:11

Fight Gone Bad

Three rounds of: 5 minutes EMOTM
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)


Reps 508


1000 meter row

Thruster, 45# (50 reps)

Pull-ups (30 reps) 

Time 5:09

7 minutes ladder of:

3 Overhead Squats

Weight 315.1 lbs

For time

30 Burpee Muscle-Ups

Time 4:10

For Time

100 Wall Balls, 20# (To a 10" Target)
100 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
100 One-Legged Squats, Alternating
100 One-Arm Dumbbell Snatches, Alternating,70#

Time 19:05

21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Deadlift, 315#
Box Jump 30”

Time 3:55

100 Double Unders
50 Handstand Push-Ups
40 Toes-To-Bar

30 Shoulder to Overhead with Axle, 160#
90 FOOT Walking Lunges with Axle in Front Rack, 160#

Time 7:36

4 Rounds  For Time:
15 FOOT Rope Climb 2 Ascents
100 FOOT Sprints
4 Squat Cleans, 225#
100 FOOT Sprint

Time 4:07

Max. Clean and Jerk

Weight 370 lbs

Max. Snatch

Weight 300 lbs

Max. Deadlift

Weight 545 lbs

Max. Back Squat

Weight 445 lbs

Max. Pull Ups

Reps 75

So, compare your scores to his scores and see on a scale from “1” to “Rich Froning”, how fit are you?
Get Motivated my friends.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Top 10 Mr Olympia 2013

Meet the top 10 bodybuilders according to Mr Olympia championship 2013, meet the biggest ..

10- Lionel Beyeke
9- Branch Warren

8- Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay
7- Roelly Winklaar

6- Jay Cutler

5- Dexter Jackson

4- Shawn Rhoden

3- Dennis Wolf

2- Kai Greene
1- Phil Heath