What I do now is that I go for full body workouts for few weeks then I go back to the split workout routines and I put some bodyweight workouts, crossfit workouts and HIIT sessions in between.
When you do a full body workout you perform only one or two exercises for every muscle group and you go heavy. Each exercise is 3 sets * 6 to 8 reps with 45 seconds to 1 minute rest in between sets.
A friend of mine perform two exercises for each of legs, chest, back, shoulders and one exercise for each of biceps, triceps and abs. Each exercise is 3 sets * 8,6,4 reps. So he performs the first set with a heavy weight for 8 reps then goes heavier in the second set with 6 reps and finishes with a third set of 4 reps as heavy as he can. The most imprtant thing that this works for him, I mean you can try and see what works for you, you will feel it.
Another friend goes full body on two days, the first day is for the front body, training chest, shoulders, biceps, abs and quads. While the other day is for the back body, training rear shoulders, back, triceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves. This is the only person I know that splits his workout that way but I thought to share.
As for myself, I found a workout program on the internet that I will share in a moment, this program works really good for me. An advantage of this program is that it mixes heavy weight lifting with body weight training, HIIT and HIRT. You can't get bored of this program.
It's called werewolf training and it alternates upper body training days with lower body training days.
The program is as the following:

Acronym Key:
- BB – barbell
- DB – dumbbell
- OH – overhead
- HIIT – high intensity interval
- HIRT – high intensity
resistance training
- AMAP – as many as possible
The Routine
- Workout 1
- BB bench press – 4 x 5
- DB one arm rows – 3 x 8
- DB incline bench press – 3 x 10
- a) Body weight or assisted pull ups – 3 x 12
- b) DB standing alternating shoulder press – 3 x 15
- a) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- b) DB standing two hand OH triceps press – 3 x 8
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 20 push ups
b) 100 jump rope jumps
c) 20 inverted rows - Workout 2
- BB back squats – 4 x 5
- a) BB alternating lunges – 3 x 8
- b) Seated calf raises – 3 x 10
- Box jumps – 2 x 50 for time
- a) BB good mornings – 3 x 12
- b) Standing calf raises – 3 x 15
- Optional
Tabata Body Weight Squats
– 5 sets – AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record # of reps.
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Reverse crunch – 3 x AMAP
b) Fold ups – 3 x AMAP
c) Russian twist w/ medicine ball – 3 x 15 - Day Off
- Workout 3
- BB bent over rows – 4 x 5
- DB bench press – 3 x 8
- Weighted or assisted chin ups – 3 x 10
- a) Standing OH press – 3 x 8
- b) BB standing bicep curl – 3 x 12
- a) Dips – 3 x 8
- b) DB side raise – 3 x 12
- Optional
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 20 kipping pull ups
b) 10 squat thrusters
c) 5 BB hang snatch with 25% of your max bench - Workout
- BB deadlift – 4 x 5
- a) BB jump squats w/ 33% of 1 rep max – 3 x 10
- b)
BB shrugs 3 x 12
- Glute-ham
raises – 3 x AMAP
- a)
Step ups holding DBs – 3 x 12
- b)
Seated calf raise – 3 x 5
- Optional
HIIT Session: Overhead Squats w/ 20% 1 rep
squat max – 4 sets – AMAP in 20 sec, 60 sec of wall sits, repeat
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Windshield wipers – 3 x AMAP
b) Ab wheel roll outs – 3 x AMAP
c) Situps w/ medicine ball on chest – 3 x 8 - Day
- Optional
Day Off #2
- Workout
- BB incline bench press – 4 x 5
- Neutral grip t-bar or cable rows – 3 x 8
- Standing OH press – 3 x 10
- a) Weighted or assisted pull ups – 3 x 12
- b) DB bench press – 3 x 15
- a) DB one arm concentration curls – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- b)
Skull crushers – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- Optional
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 20 wall balls – medicine ball toss and catch
b) 10 squats thrusters
c) 5 BB hang cleans with 33% max bench - Workout 6
- BB back squats – 4 x 5
- a) Single leg stiff leg deadlift holding DBs – 3 x 8
- b)
Seated calf raises – 3 x 12
- DB walking lunges – 3 x 10
- a) BB Romanian deadlifts – 3 x 15
- b)
Standing calf raises – 3 x 5
- Optional Tabata Body Weight Squats – 5 sets – AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record # of reps.
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Vertical leg raise or captain’s chair – 3 x AMAP
b) Bicycle maneuver – 3 x AMAP
c) Ab wheel roll outs – 3 x AMAP - Day Off
- Workout 7
- BB bent over rows – 4 x 5
- DB incline bench press – 3 x 8
- BB shrugs – 3 x 10
- a) Body weight or assisted chin ups – 3 x AMAP
- b) DB reverse flyes – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- a) Dips – 3 x 5
- b) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- Optional
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 10 handstand push ups (or military press)
b) 20 diamond push ups
c) 50 jumping jacks - Workout 8
- BB deadlift – 4 x 5
- a)
BB front squat – 3 x 8
- b)
Toe push on sled – 3 x 12
- BB
side lunges – 3 x 10
- a)
Pistol squats – 2 x 12
- b)
One leg curl – 2 x 12
- Optional
HIIT Session: Sumo Deadlifts w/ 20% 1 rep
deadlift max – 4 sets – AMAP in 20 sec, 60 sec of wall sits, repeat.
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Medicine ball sit up toss – 3 x 20
b) DB side bends – 3 x 12
c) Flutter kicks – 3 x AMAP - Day
- Optional
Day Off #2
- Workout
- BB
bench press – 3 x 5 (120% of 5 rep max)
- Weighted
or assisted chin ups – 3 x 5 (120% of 5 rep max)
- DB
one arm clean and press – 3 x 8
- a)
DB one arm row – 3 x 12
- b)
Explosive push ups w/ clap if possible – 3 x 7
- a)
Tricep cable push downs – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- b)
Hammer curls – 3 x 12, 8, 5
- Optional
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 20 inverted rows
b) 20 mountain climbers
c) 10 medicine ball smash (throw to ground) - Workout
- BB
deadlift – 5 x 5,2,1,1,1
- a)
Donkey calf raises – 3 x 8
- b)
BB Shrugs – 3 x 7
- BB
squats – 5 x 5,2,1,1,1
- Glute-ham
raises – 3 x AMAP
- Optional
Tabata Body Weight Squats
– 5 sets – AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record # of reps.
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Ab wheel roll outs – 3 x AMAP
b) Reverse crunches – 3 x AMAP
c) Fold ups – 3 x AMAP - Day
- Workout
- BB
bent over rows – 3 x 8
- DB
bench press – 3 x 8
- Body
weight or assisted chin ups – 3 x AMAP
- Standing
OH press – 3 x 10
- a)
Dips – 3 x 8
- b)
BB standing bicep curl – 3 x 8
- Optional
HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain: Complete the
following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and
record your time:
a) 5 hang cleans w/ 25% of 1 rep bench max
b) 5 push press w/ same weight
c) 5 squats w/ same weight - Workout
- BB
deadlift – 3 x 8
- a)
BB front squats – 3 x 8
- b)
Standing calf raise – 3 x 10
- One
leg curl – 3 x 10
- BB
jump squats w/ 20% of 1 rep max – 2 x 20 for time
- Abdominal
giant set
a) Windshield wipers – 3 x AMAP
b) Sit ups w/ medicine ball or plate – 3 x 8
c) Bicycle maneuver – 3 x AMAP - Day
- Optional
Day Off #2
Once again, I found this workout program on the internet and I wanted to share it with you, and I want to thank whoever designed this brilliant program.
Thank you.
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