- Begin in a standing position.
- Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
- Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position.
- Return to the squat position in one quick motion.
- Return to standing position.
Here's how to do Burpees:
Here's Zuzka Light performing Burpees:
Other variations involves a change in the jump and/or the push up.
Jump variations: squat jump, forward jump, tuck jump, box jump, jump over an obstacle, jump and pull up, jump and muscle up ... etc,.
Push up variations: regular push up, diamond push up, hindu push up, one arm push up ... etc,.
You can also hold a pair of dumbbells during performing burpees or you can perform side burpees in which you extend your feet to the side.
The exercise was named in the 1930s for American physiologist Royal H. Burpee, who developed the Burpee test. He earned a PhD in Applied Physiology from Columbia University in 1940 and created the "Burpee" exercise as part of his PhD thesis as a quick and simple way to assess fitness
Why Burpees?
1- Burpees test your strength and aerobic capacities in one movement.
2- They work and add strength to the whole body. Doing burpees will work your chest, arms, front deltoids, quads, hams, thighs and abs.
3- They burn lots of calories. Adding them to a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session burns even more fat and speed up your metabolism throughout the day.
4- They are great for developing conditioning and endurance.
5- You can do them any where any time without any equipment.
Burpees workouts and challenges:
100 Burpees
Perform 100 Burpees as fast as you can. Record your time and try to beat it the next time.
1 Mile Jump Forward Burpees
Perform jump forward burpees untill you reach 1 mile. Start with less distance, and increase it time by time.
Burpees Ladder with other exercise
Perform 10 reps of burpees and 1 rep of other exercise (for example: Toes to Bar or Hang Leg Raise), then 9 reps of burpess and 2 reps of the other exercise and so on untill the last set that you perform 1 rep of burpee and 10 reps of the other exercise. Record your time and try to beat it the next time.
10 minutes drill
Set your timer to 10 minutes and perform as many reps as you can of burpees. Record your score and try to beat it the next time.
Burpees every where
Perform 10 burpees every where you go. Share with friends. (This was started by Zuzka light)
And finally
You can add burpees to any of your workout, specially bodyweight and HIIT workouts.
So, get up and do BURPEES
Thank You
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