This muscle is not trained often enough because:
1- Some people usually neglect the whole rear parts of their bodies except the latissimus dorsi muscle, ehich is totally wrong. Some members at my gym don't train their rear deltoid muscles or the hamstring muscles at all. They have to recinsider this.
2- Posterior deltoid exercises are relatively difficult and the muscle itself is relativley weak compared to the anterior deltoid muscle that you can press a quit impressive weight training it.
3- Not everyone really knows the importance of strength and muscle balance, the same reason whay some models or amateurs don't train legs.
Here are some posterior deltoid exercises that are not difficult yet effective
1- Bent Over Lateral Raise
2- Seated Bent Over Lateral Raise
3- Lateral Raise on an Incline Bench

4- Lateral Raise on a Flat Bench
5- Reverse Flyes
6- Cable Rear Delt Rows
Finally, posterior deltoids not only they are impressive when they pop off the back of your arm, but they are important to provide the shoulder with stability on all other exercises.
Don't ever skip the rear delts exercise.
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